ALERT!!! Finanziamento alle imprese di 9 milioni di euro per la brevettazione delle invenzioni
Il Ministero delle Imprese e del Made in Italy ha reso nota la pubblicazione in Gazzetta Ufficiale del decreto 8 agosto 2024, elaborato di concerto dal MIMIT e dal Ministero dell’Economia e delle Finanze, con cui è stato introdotto il voucher 3I – Investire in innovazione per sostenere la brevettazione delle invenzioni di startup e microimprese. […]
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The firm assists clients in public procurement, works concessions, services, supplies and insolvency procedures.
Administrative liability of entities
Consultancy and training in the field of administrative liability of entities...
Banking and finance
The firm assists in the drafting of banking and financial contracts, banking and interbank agreements and much more.
Claims recovery
The firm provides advice and assistance for the recovery of non-performing loans, following the entire activity.
Corporate crisis management
The Law Firm assists companies that find themselves in crisis situations in all types of insolvency proceedings.
The Firm deals with the procedures for awarding cultural sponsorship and partnership contracts.
Family law and succession
The Firm provides advice and assistance in matters of personal and family law and inheritance matters.
Assistance in the management of various types of disputes, in civil, corporate and commercial matters...
Health and social assistance law
Assistance in authorization and validation procedures of health facilities, job relationships also under the social security aspect...
M&A Private Equity
Disposals and acquisitions of shareholdings, mergers, transformations, demergers, joint ventures and much more...
Industrial and intellectual property
Consultancy in the field of intellectual and industrial property, relating to trademarks, patents and much more...
The Law Firm offers legal advice and assistance in criminal law matters in various areas of activity.
The firm offers advice on insurance, life and non-life insurance, including product liability.
Labour and social insurance
Advisory and assistance for of all aspects of subordinate employment and independent employment relationships...
Civil liability
The Firm assists clients in all cases of contractual and extra-contractual civil liability from an illegal act.
Privacy – personal data protection
The Firm provides advice on the protection of personal data in the most varied sectors.
Real estate
The firm assists clients in evaluating all aspects relating to real estate transactions of all kinds.
Corporate and Commercial
Assistance at clients from the initial development of an idea, identifying the best corporate form and defining the governance structure...
Advice on issues relating to the prerequisites for the application of direct and indirect taxes.
Assistance in regulating all legal aspects related to the creation of e-commerce platforms.